Food Grinder crossword clue – Explore the Correct Answer

Food Grinder crossword clue - Explore the Correct Answer
Food Grinder crossword clue - Explore the Correct Answer

Let’s find the exact answer for Food Grinder crossword clue 2024 to help the readers solve the puzzle.

The LA Times Daily Puzzle is an excellent method for exercising your brain by finding the correct answer to the puzzles. The crossword clues challenge people to find the answer quickly and correctly. However, there are times when the Crossword Puzzle answers are challenging to find, but it is still an exciting and fun game to play.

Key Highlights

  • The exact answer for the Food Grinder crossword clue was a quick one to solve with the given hints and tips.
  • Several answers came in response to the crossword clue, such as MILLER, MOLARS, and ORGAN.
  • The LA Times comes with enjoyable crosswords for the readers and is a free online game that people can easily play.
Food Grinder crossword clue - Explore the Correct Answer
Food Grinder crossword clue – Explore the Correct Answer

Food Grinder crossword clue

Readers associated many answers with the early Times crossword clue 2024. The correct answer for the Food Grinder crossword clue is a five-letter word: “MOLAR.” The answer was not difficult but definitely tricky. Some readers managed to get the correct answers within no time.


The LA Times Crossword Puzzle 2024 answer for the Food Grinder crossword clue is MOLAR. The definition of the word molar is the grinding teeth. The teeth help in grinding food that is present at the back of the mouth.

Hints for Food Grinder crossword clue 2024

  • The first hint was a grinding tooth that is present at the back of the human mouth.
  • The second hint is we can form the answer using MORAL.
  • The third hint is a grinding tooth.

Word Usages

The word MOLAR is specifically associated with the grinding tooth that is present in a human mouth. There are no distinct usages of the word, and hence, the crossword clue was more accessible to solve. However, we can term the answer as a bit tricky due to the clue provided, but readers managed to get the correct answer quickly. Moreover, the word molar does not have any further usage other than the description of a human grinding tooth.

Difficulty Quotient

We will rate the difficulty quotient of the crossword clue 2024 as one out of five stars. The word is not unknown, and although we do not use it in our daily lives, most people know the meaning of the word MOLAR. Moreover, the word is uncomplicated, and the hints are specific enough to get the correct answer.

Food Grinder crossword clue Final Summary

Millions of readers visit the LA Times Crossword Clues, especially those people who love solving puzzles. The crossword clue is a brain-teasing game that calculates people’s mental aptitude. We have already provided the correct answer for the Food Grinder crossword clue 2024, which is MOLAR. If you wish to solve these puzzles daily, you must visit the website. Moreover, if the readers are unsure of the correct answer, we will provide the correct answer to every crossword clue on

What do you think?

Written by David Smith

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