Let Me Start By Saying NYT- Know the answer to the Crossword

Let Me Start By Saying NYT- Know the answer to the Crossword
Let Me Start By Saying NYT- Know the answer to the Crossword

Here is the correct answer provided for the Let Me Start By Saying NYT crossword clue for the readers.

Readers are curious to know different crossword clue answers that are provided in the NYT Mini version of the crossword clue game. Further crosswords are exciting, but at the same time, they are tricky and challenging. People who solve crosswords every day understand the hints better and find the correct answers within no time.

Key Highlights

  • Finding the correct answer to the Let Me Start By Saying NYT crossword clue is challenging, and one must use one’s brain to get a definite answer.
  • There were many possible answers provided for the given crossword clue. Some of the possible answers are INITIAL, EARLY, and many more.
  • Players who solve the answers first can submit their puzzles online and get confirmation of the answers.

Let Me Start By Saying NYT

The correct answer for the Let Me Start By Saying NYT crossword clue is FIRST. Many people searched for the answer, and some even failed to find it. There are many similar answers to the given crossword clue, but the correct answer was FIRST. We will agree that it was not one of the easiest crossword clue answers, and it required some brainstorming.

Let Me Start By Saying NYT- Know the answer to the Crossword
Let Me Start By Saying NYT- Know the answer to the Crossword


There is no certain explanation for the answer. First, it is also used to describe the position of a person in a particular activity. Moreover, the given crossword clue answer does not represent the position of the people.

Word Usages

The word FIRST is used in several instances. Moreover, we can use the word to determine the position of a person in a class or a particular activity. Also, we can use words at the start of any conversation to point out the most important topic first. The provided answer of the puzzle clue resembles an exact match for the puzzle asked in NYT Mini.

Hints for Let Me Start By Saying NYT

  • The first hint is the usage of a word to describe the time or order at the earliest.
  • The second hint is to explain the phrase top quality in other words.
  • The third hint is the synonyms of Earliest, Initial, Beginning, and Prime.

Difficulty Quotient

Readers who came across the crossword clue found it challenging to get to the correct answer. However, if we think deeply about the given crossword clue, we will know that the answers are related to something that begins early. Most of the readers solved the answers within seconds, while others took time. We will rate the difficulty level of the crossword clue as two out of five stars.

Let Me Start By Saying NYT Final Verdict

The NYT mini crossword puzzles require the players to crack the given answers with several possible answers available online. Further, the correct answer to the given crossword clue is mentioned in our post. Moreover, crosswords are fun, and people in huge numbers play the game daily. If you wish to find out more answers to the crossword puzzles, visit Financereview.org.

What do you think?

Written by David Smith

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