Yellowtail Sushi Crossword – Do You Know The Answer?

Yellowtail Sushi Crossword - Do You Know The Answer?
Yellowtail Sushi Crossword - Do You Know The Answer?

The post talks about the Yellowtail Sushi Crossword and highlights all the probable answers for the crossword clue.

The NYT Crossword has started providing new crossword clue puzzles with various answers. In those cases, players find it difficult to get the exact match that fits the puzzle. However, in our article, we have tried our best to provide all the possible answers that match the given crossword puzzle.

Key Highlights

  • The Yellowtail Sushi Crossword clue answer consists of several probable matches that may fit the puzzle accordingly.
  • If you are looking for various combinations to help you complete your puzzle, this article will be of great help.

Yellowtail Sushi Crossword

Several answers fit the best as per the given crossword clue. Some of the probable answers are TUNA, AHI, EEL, EELS, and many more. However, we feel that the best answer is the word AHI. But now the players have to decide on their own according to the number of spaces left in the puzzle. Again, out of various probable answers, these four answers will fit accordingly.


The above-mentioned answers are all different kinds of fish that are used in various dishes. However, if we talk about Sushi, Ahi and Tuna are the best matches for the given dish. There are various kinds of fish present, but the particular crossword clue asks about a yellowtail Sushi fish.

Yellowtail Sushi Crossword - Do You Know The Answer?
Yellowtail Sushi Crossword – Do You Know The Answer?

Word Usages

Yellowtail Sushi fish is used to make Sushi that people love. Other kinds of fish make for the best combination in sushi. However, the given crossword clue puzzle requires the players to answer the best possible fish name to complete their puzzle.

Possible Hints for Yellowtail Sushi Crossword

  • The first hint is that the fish is available in various stores in canned form.
  • The second hint is that the word is tiny, and people mostly use these fish to pair with their sushi.

Difficulty Ratio

Finding the best answer for the given crossword clue puzzle is a simple task. However, in this case, there are several probable answers, and the players have to find the best one. We also encountered players who were confused about getting the correct answer. We consider the difficulty quotient to be medium.

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Yellowtail Sushi Crossword Final Words

Several crossword answers have one perfect answer. However, we have also come across several crossword clues that have several probable answers, and players get confused when trying to find the best match. In our article, we have already mentioned the best four names, and the answer is present in these four. For more such clues and hints, read more on

What do you think?

Written by David Smith

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